
Su J. Sokol

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ISBN: 9782897502553


  Author:   Su J. Sokol    
  Publisher:  Bouton d’or Acadie

Ever since she was born, Zee’s had a talent, a particular kind of intelligence. She perceives things no one else can. Zee is able to hear other people’s thoughts, feel their emotions. She can even see herself through their eyes, and this seeing changes her. Sometimes, Zee is the precocious daughter of her four grown-ups. Other times, Zee’s a rough boy from Brooklyn, New York, playing basketball and getting into trouble.

Her four grown-ups are worried. They test Zee’s abilities, then try to hide them. Zee anticipates and thwarts their plans. Over time, Zee learns to fit into the moulds of society and people’s expectations…but will losing sight of who she really is put her in even greater danger?

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9782897502553
Item BA0093
PublisherBouton d’or Acadie
PublisherBouton d'or Acadie
Published on November 30 2020
Language fre
Pages 200
Format Paperback
Dimensions8.75(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight248(g)
Su J. Sokol is a writer of speculative, liminal and interstitial fiction and a social rights activist. Originally from Brooklyn, she now makes Montr茅al her home. Her debut novel, Cycling to Asylum, was longlisted for the Sunburst for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic, and has been optioned for a feature-length film. Her second novel, Run J Run, came out with Renaissance Press in May of 2019. Su J. Sokol curates and participates in readings and literary events in Canada and abroad, such as the Metropolis Bleu/Blue Met Literary Festival, and the Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature.