We Rise Again

Len Wagg, Angela Mombourquette,

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ISBN: 9781774710227

We Rise Again

More Stories of Hope and Resilience from Nova Scotia during the COVID-19 Pandemic

  Author:   Len Wagg, Angela Mombourquette,  
  Publisher:  ÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing Limited

Follow-up to national bestseller Stay the Blazes Home featuring inspiring photos and stories of Nova Scotians during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

It’s been more than a year since COVID-19 arrived in Nova Scotia. In the spring of 2020, then-premier of Nova Scotia Stephen McNeil implored citizens to “stay the blazes home” — and they did. But the full-scale lockdown is now a thing of the past. As wide-scale testing and vaccines begin to have an impact, many people have returned, in limited ways, to their businesses, their pastimes, and even their social lives. And although we are still in the thick of the pandemic, Nova Scotians, by necessity and by nature, have continued to step up to help one another through the ongoing crisis.
Who are these heroes who, on a daily basis, have continued to risk their lives, their livelihoods, and their own well-being to help us get through this pandemic? How have Nova Scotia’s front-line workers, business owners, support workers, healthcare workers — people from all walks of life — adapted to find ways not just to survive and help others survive, but to thrive through it all? In the follow-up to his national bestseller Stay the Blazes Home, award-winning photographer and author Len Wagg, now with co-author Angela Mombourquette, brings dozens of compelling stories and powerful images of hope and resilience to light, illuminating the many ways Nova Scotians continue to serve as beacons of hope for all Canadians.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781774710227
Item NB1602
PublisherÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing Limited
PublisherÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing Limited
Published on October 14 2021
Language eng
Pages 128
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 10.5(in)
Shipping weight441(g)

Since joining Halifax's Chonicle Herald in 1984, photographer Len Wagg has covered a variety of assignments in Nova Scotia and around the world, and his photographs have appeared in the New York Times, Maclean's, and Time magazine. In 2008 he won the Mayor's Award for Excellence in Illustration for Wild Nova Scotia, his photographic portrait of the province's protected areas.

Len lives in Wellington, Nova Scotia. Visit Len's website at www.lenwagg.ca

Angela Mombourquette is an award-winning freelance writer, a former magazine editor, and a part-time journalism instructor at the University of King's College in Halifax. Her work has appeared in The Walrus, the Chronicle Herald, Halifax Magazine, Saltscapes and many other publications. In a previous life, she worked at CBC television in Halifax, where she often filled in as an associate director on the set of This Hour Has 22 Minutes.