SpecialLink Book

Sharon Hope Irwin

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ISBN: 9781895415223

SpecialLink Book

  Author:   Sharon Hope Irwin    
  Publisher:  Breton Books

The Mainstream is nothing more than life in the real world. SpeciaLink is devoted to seeing every child wit special needs a full participant in the mainstream. Evidence supports the value of full mainstream childcare for all children, regardless of the challenges. This means that from now on, the work of childcare includes Advocacy –promoting what we already know to be right.

The SpecaiLink Book is the story of the road to the principles of full mainstream childcare, and of the SpeciaLink Symposium which made those principles the national agenda for mainstream advocates. “The Mainstream is the right stream†is the battle cry. Achieving full mainstream childcare for every child is the goal.

The Book Also Includes a Canadian Directory of Mainstream Childcare Advocates, Further Readings, information about joining SpeciaLink, and other forms for the SpecaiLink Newsletter and videos.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781895415223
Item BB0022
PublisherBreton Books
PublisherBreton Books
Published on January 1 1999
Language eng
Pages 160
Format Paperback
Dimensions11(in) x 8.5(in)
Shipping weight645(g)
For more than 25 years Irwin has dedicated her efforts to children with special needs. The founding director of SpeciaLink – the National Centre for Child Care Inclusion.She is an advocate for young children with special needs and their families, locally, regionally and nationally, serving on numerous commissions, working groups, task forces and committees.