My Favourite Colour

Lindsay Ruck

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ISBN: 9781774712016

My Favourite Colour

  Author:   Lindsay Ruck  
  Artist :   Bryanna Chapeskie    
  Publisher:  ÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing Limited

A fun, rhyming read-aloud celebrating diversity, and a tool for teaching young readers the names of all the colours of the rainbow.

Blue’s my favourite colour!
It really is the best.
I love my lucky socks.
Blue’s better than the rest.

What’s your favourite colour? When a teacher asks her students this question, one little girl just can’t decide! Enter her vibrant imagination as she considers every colour and all the reasons that she loves the whole rainbow. Orange glows through autumn leaves, but pink is the colour of sunsets and cotton candy! And green shines all around the garden — how will she ever choose just one favourite colour?

In her debut picture book, author Lindsay Ruck joins artist Bryanna Chapeskie to create a stunning poem that illustrates why being unique is always something to celebrate.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781774712016
Item NB1669
PublisherÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing Limited
PublisherÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing Limited
Published on October 24 2023
Language ENG
Pages 32
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 9(in)
Shipping weight112(g)
Lindsay R. Ruck, born in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, is a graduate of Carleton University's School of Journalism in Ottawa. Since graduating in 2008, she has worked in the marketing, communications and publishing fields. Similar to her grandfather, the late Calvin W. Ruck, she has a deep and abiding respect and affection for her home province of Nova Scotia. She has recently returned to Halifax, after living in Ottawa for twelve years, to further her career as a writer and editor.

Bryanna Chapeskie is an illustrator and graphic designer from Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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