La petite robe rouge / Apje’ji’jk Mekwe’k Mtoqan / The Little Red Dress

Julie Pellissier-Lush, Julie Gagnon,

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ISBN: 9782897503482

La petite robe rouge / Apje’ji’jk Mekwe’k Mtoqan / The Little Red Dress

(trilingual edition)

  Author:   Julie Pellissier-Lush, Julie Gagnon,
  Artist :   Emma Hassencahl-Perley    
  Publisher:  Bouton d’or Acadie

Sakari loves to rummage through her grandmother?s house, but she still doesn’t know what’s hidden in the woven basket her nukumi keeps in the attic. Then, one day, she sees her nukumi in tears by the open basket, holding a photo album. Photos that Sakari has never seen prompt the older woman to tell her the story of her younger sister who disappeared shortly after graduating high school. Sakari will help her nukumi to free herself from this heavy secret and allow the spirit of the missing young woman to fly away in peace.

This trilingual picture book aims to raise awareness about missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9782897503482
Item BA0139
PublisherBouton d’or Acadie
PublisherBouton d'or Acadie
Published on May 29 2024
Language FRE
Pages 52
Format Paperback
Dimensions8.5(in) x 8.5(in)
Shipping weight205(g)
Julie Pellissier-Lush M.S.M, actress, and bestselling author of My Mi'kmaq Mother, Poet Laureate for PEI, recipient of the Queens jubilee medal in 2013, the Meritorious Service Medal recipient in 2017, and the Senators 150 metal in April 2019. She grew up all over Eastern Canada and spent a number of years in Winnipeg, Manitoba, before coming back home. Julie is a graduate from the University of Winnipeg in 2000 with a double major in Psychology and Human Resource Management. She writes, acts, and does photography to preserve the history and culture of the Mi'kmaq for future generations. Julie wrote the poems for the play Mi'kmaq Legends which has been performed on many different stages in the Atlantic region. It is her hope that this play will someday travel across Canada and beyond so more people have the opportunity to learn about the rich Mi'kmaq history! Julie lives in PEI with her husband Rick, her five children, and her granddaughter Miah.

Originally from Quebec City, Julie Gagnon has lived in PEI for over 26 years. She has held various positions in the French Language School Board and at the University of Prince Edward Island. Her teaching is rooted in social and nature-based pedagogy. La petite robe rouge is her first foray into children's writing.

Emma Hassencahl-Perley is Wolastoqwiw from Neqotkuk (where the two rivers flow beneath each other), also known as Tobique First Nation in New Brunswick. She is a visual artist, curator, educator, author, and arts criticism essayist. Her visual art mediums include beadwork, murals, and digital illustration. Through material and visual culture, Emma also considers her identity in her work as an ehpit (woman) and citizen of the Wabanaki (People of the Dawn) Confederacy. La petite robe rouge is her first illustrated album.