³Ò°ù²¹²Ô»å-±Ê°ùé: Coeur de L’Acadie

A.J.B. Johnston, W P Kerr,

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ISBN: 9781551094915

³Ò°ù²¹²Ô»å-±Ê°ùé: Coeur de L’Acadie

  Author:   A.J.B. Johnston, W P Kerr,  
  Publisher:  ÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing

³Ò°ù²¹²Ô»å-±Ê°ùé est un toponyme très évocateur, non seulement au Canada, mais partout dans le monde. Les événements qui se déroulent dans ce village acadien vers la fin de l’été et durant l’automne 1755 occupent une place importante dans l’histoire de l’Amérique du Nord.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551094915
Item NB0596
PublisherÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing
PublisherÁðÁ§ÉçÇø Publishing
Published on May 15 2004
Language fre
Pages 88
Format Paperback
Dimensions9.25(in) x 6.5(in)
Shipping weight350(g)
A. J. B. (John) Johnston is the author or co-author of twenty-one books: sixteen on different aspects of the history of Atlantic Canada and five novels. The Canadian Historical Association awarded a Clio prize to his Endgame 1758: The Promise, the Glory and the Despair of Louisbourg's Last Decade, and Ni'n na L'nu: The Mi'kmaq of Prince Edward Island was selected in 2014 as the best published Atlantic book. John was made a chevalier of France's Ordre des Palmes académiques in recognition of his many publications on the French presence in Atlantic Canada. He lives in Halifax with his wife Mary. For more information, please visit ajbjohnston.com.