Celts in the Americas

Michael Newton

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ISBN: 9781897009758

Celts in the Americas

  Author:   Michael Newton    
  Publisher:  Cape Breton University Press

Celtic-speaking peoples of Brittany, Cornwall, Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Scottish Highlands and Wales played a vital role in the history of Europe and the Americas. Immigrant Celtic communities enjoyed many significant accomplishments explored in this volume: continuing and developing literary traditions, establishing organizations to represent their origins and concerns, and negotiating the political and cultural issues of the day in their own languages.

A new crop of scholarship is reinvigorating Celtic Studies in the Americas by addressing issues of relevance and interest in this geographical and cultural context: race, ethnicity, immigration, imperialism, (post)colonialism and linguistic revitalization. While being firmed rooted in the languages and cultural expressions of Celtic communities, they extend research beyond the conventional framework of the field.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781897009758
Item CB0099
PublisherCape Breton University Press
PublisherCape Breton University Press
Published on April 17 2013
Language eng
Pages 376
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight510(g)

Michael Newton, PhD, is Technical Lead for the Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative (see ). He was formerly an Assistant Professor in the Celtic Studies Department of St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia. He was awarded a PhD in Celtic Studies from the University of Edinburgh in 1998. He has written several books and numerous articles on many aspects of Highland tradition and history in Scotland and North America. He was the editor of Celts in the Americas (CBU Press) and Dùthchas nan Gaidheal: Selected Essays of John MacInnes, which won the Saltire Society’s Research Book award of 2006, and is the author of Warriors of the Word: The World of the Scottish Highlanders, which was nominated for the 2009 Katharine Briggs Award for folklore research. You can follow his work on his blog, The Virtual Gael, at .