Canada In Colour (new edition)

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ISBN: 9781771083157

Canada In Colour (new edition)

  Photographer :   George Fischer    
  Publisher:  George Fischer

Presenting his images in a more compact second edition, George Fischer鈥檚 exceptional photographs are featured in a manner as original and unique as the country itself. Canada in every hue of the rainbow, sorted by theme of colour, creates an energetic dialogue of images. Jacob Richler鈥檚 introductory essays exploit his travels and experiences across the country to reflect on those thematic colours and what they represent鈥攖o him, in the vision of the photographer, and the appreciation of the reader.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781771083157
Item MC0176
PublisherGeorge Fischer
PublisherGeorge Fischer
Published on August 5 2015
Language eng
Pages 348
Format Hardcover
Dimensions8(in) x 8(in)
Shipping weight1850(g)
George Fischer is one of Canada鈥檚 most renowned and prolific landscape photographers. He has produced over fifty books and fifty art posters from sites around the world. His work has also appeared on the聽covers of numerous international magazines and newspapers,聽and in the聽promotional publications of tourism agencies around the world. His book Unforgettable Canada was on the Globe and Mail's bestseller list and sold over 75,000 copies. George Fischer resides in Toronto.