A Monster in My Kitchen

Marie-France Comeau

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ISBN: 9782897502614

A Monster in My Kitchen

  Author:   Marie-France Comeau  
  Artist :   Isabelle L茅ger    
  Publisher:  Bouton d’or Acadie

“This morning, there was a monster in my kitchen. He was sitting on the counter and getting bigger and bigger.”

Grandma Rosi said it: if you want a beautiful and delicious monster, you need some elbow grease! You have to mold the monster, knead it, attack it, hit it! And when it moves, when bubbles come out of its belly? Quick, flatten it down, you need to master your monster! And then? Heat, and a nice nap. Discover the best monster recipe in this new picturebook by storyteller Marie-France Comeau.

The late Rosi Jory, a New-Brunswick artist, is at the roots of this book. She unfortunately passed away before it could be edited and published. Here it is translated back to English by Rosi’s daughter.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9782897502614
Item BA0107
PublisherBouton d’or Acadie
PublisherBouton D'or Acadie
Published on June 24 2021
Language eng
Pages 36
Format Hardcover
Dimensions8.5(in) x 8.5(in)
Shipping weight300(g)
Marie-France Comeau comes from Free Grant, in the north-east of New-Brunswick. As an educator, she often brings tales to her work to access the world of children, either making them up herself or drawing them out of books. In her mind, there's nothing like a well-told story to comfort children, make them laugh, soothe them or just focus their minds on something new.

From Dieppe, New-Brunswick, Isabelle L茅ger's passion is illustration. After having spent some time at Universit茅 de Moncton studying Visual Arts, Isabelle graduated with a degree in Graphic Design from New Brunswick Community College, Dieppe Campus. Cong茅 pour maman is her first professional publication.