Bernie Francis – 琉璃社区 琉璃社区 Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:04:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 Mi’kmaw Grammar of Father Pacifique /store/mikmaw-grammar-of-father-pacifique.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mikmaw-grammar-of-father-pacifique Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:36:24 +0000 /store/mikmaw-grammar-of-father-pacifique.html/mikmaw-grammar-of-father-pacifique First published (1939), as Le莽ons grammaticales th茅oriques et pratiques de la langue micmaque of Rev. Father Pacifique Buisson, The Mi'kmaw Grammar of Father Pacifique is a vast and important collection of information on the Mi'kmaw language. It represents a tradition of Mi'kmaw grammatical studies by missionary priests that spans more than 200 years, from the days of abb茅 Pierre Maillard (ca. 1710-1762), to Father Pacifique, who, although he intended his grammar to be a guide to other priests who wanted to learn Mi'kmaw, seems to have been the last priest to speak the language fluently.

The purpose of updating the orthography is, of course, to give the reader who does not know the language exact information on the pronunciation of each Mi'kmaw word. This was not an important goal for Pacifique, since he recommends, in the original, that the pronunciation should be obtained from a native speaker. Now that the language has been lost from many communities so that native speakers are not as available as they once were, it has become crucially important to use the new, exact, orthography, so that the written word can be used to convey as much information as possible on the accepted pronunciations.

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Weska’qelmut Apje’juanu /store/weskaqelmut-apjejuanu.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=weskaqelmut-apjejuanu Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:15:11 +0000 /store/weskaqelmut-apjejuanu.html/weskaqelmut-apjejuanu Weska'qelmut Apje'juanu is the Mi'kmaq language translation of Kisses Kisses Baby-O! Kisses Kisses Baby-O! is a story for newborns told from the point of view of a parent or caregiver, but with high interaction with baby's world and tuned to events in baby's day.

Beloved Canadian children's author Sheree Fitch delivers what she's famous for: fun, intelligent, participatory text that is a joy to read. Using rhythm and onomatopoeia, Sheree's bubbly text begins with baby waking, and follows through eating, bathing, playing, and finally sleeping.

Repetition, rhythm and active verbs create a lively story that can be read again and again. Heart-warming illustrations by HildaRose combine realism and a whimsical, artistic style, while paying close attention to the needs of newborn readers, including such elements as: stimulating visuals, patterns, baby faces, cultural diversity and interaction with others. And babies will drool over the small, easy to hold format! Translated from English by Bernie Francis.

The post Weska’qelmut Apje’juanu appeared first on 琉璃社区.
