Art and Fun – 琉璃社区 琉璃社区 Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Fri, 14 Jun 2024 13:28:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 The Race to the Bottom /store/the-race-to-the-bottom.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-race-to-the-bottom Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:34:17 +0000 /store/the-race-to-the-bottom This is the story of one man's hobby and its overwhelmingly positive effect physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally on his life. The hobby is scuba diving, but not on the reefs of southern seas. This is about diving in Halifax Harbour. Diving summer and winter in one of the biggest and deepest harbours in the world has given Bob a view of history that few will ever witness.

Inquisitive and energetic, the author spins yarns about the strange and fascinating objects he finds and the hair-raising moments he has experienced, from coming to the surface and seeing the boat drifting out of sight to arriving on the surface in a snowstorm and having to navigate by compass to find the shore.

The bottom of Halifax Harbour has collected artifacts over the centuries from around the world. Each find gets picked up, cleaned, researched, and documented. The author's database is a gold mine of little details about what arrived, eventually got dumped into the ocean, and is now sitting on display at home and in museums as a reminder of what once was.

The author takes the reader under warships, container ships, and tugboats, through huge docks, and under the ice. Along the way, he reflects on the toll that our civilization is taking on the ocean, of seagulls trying to break open golf balls to find food, of crabs trapped inside tires, and fish that take refuge in castoff bottles and grow too big to stay in but also too big to get out.

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The Painted Province /store/the-painted-province.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-painted-province Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:58 +0000 /store/the-painted-province-2 "I gain a strong sense of interconnectedness and belonging when I look at her work. There is a universality and humanity Joy finds every time." 鈥擲heree Fitch

Since 1972, Joy Laking has lived and painted in Nova Scotia, capturing beauty in watercolours, oils, and acrylics in many locations. She sees beauty in both the usual and the unusual. The Painted Province lets the reader see Nova Scotia through an artist's eyes.

Here, Joy has grouped some of her favourite paintings into forty regions, each with her personal commentary. In each of the regions, one of the images will have its GPS coordinates. You are encouraged to bring this book along in your travels to find some of the places where she created paintings. When you discover the exact spot, please take a photo. Then email it to her and she will post it on her website.

Joy constantly finds ways to enhance her own creativity. Every year, she paints in unfamiliar countries, such as Bolivia, Ghana, India, and Sri Lanka, to return home to see Nova Scotia through fresh eyes. Joy has also written a play, children's books, articles about rural life, and work for the CBC.

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Mean Streets /store/mean-streets.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mean-streets Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:38 +0000 /store/mean-streets Following the Second World War, a new generation of politicians and planners across North America set out to reimagine their cities. With great verve and vision, they conceived of brave new urban landscapes filled with elevated highways, modern housing, thriving businesses, and engaging public spaces. All it would take, they said, was a deep collective capacity to dream and a determined willingness to wipe away the past.

And the idea caught on.

With great enthusiasm, these politicians and planners set out to realize their grand vision. They proposed that cities tear down great swaths of their aged, derelict, and decaying homes; destroy antiquated, dilapidated buildings; and tear up sordid streets in an effort they called "slum clearance." Of course, these "slums" were also communities often populated by the most vulnerable members of the city, the desperately poor and people of colour, those who had little power to make their own decisions and determine their own fate. The whole process was called urban renewal.

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Sculpting Towards the Light /store/sculpting-towards-the-light.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sculpting-towards-the-light Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:09 +0000 /store/sculpting-towards-the-light "Stone carving is a slow, meditative experience. The process can be transformative. Each of my projects has taken life's rough moments and opens them up to the discovery of our shared humanity. The finished work may be the sculpture, but the creative process is never ending."

Sculpting Towards the Light is an intimate and insightful story of a sculptor and his work. It follows the paths of imagination and activity which gave birth to a very unique work of art. The paths are diverse and unexpected, twisting into personal history, racing forward into the future, and then resting in the euphoric moments when the mind and its thoughts no longer exist and the carving occurs as if of its own accord.

The author writes, "There is a point in each sculpture where my energies collide. At first there is the initial inspirational emotion, full of conviction, demanding that I communicate its essence. The emotion has been concretely felt but the sculptural representation of that emotion remains vague. It is as if I am sleepwalking, unaware of where I am going. I can also feel playful in a place of excitement where there are no time pressures and few expectations. My mind becomes an elevator with predetermined automatic stops: journal writing, pencil sketches, listening to music, reading and meditative walking in nature. Eventually, a three-dimensional structure materializes from the midst of this contemplation."

Here is a unique story about play and work, imagination and action. Costanzo looks at the past that has shaped him and his future as an artist working in an ancient medium, while the world races toward digital Armageddon.

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Around the Province in 88 Days /store/around-the-province-in-88-days.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=around-the-province-in-88-days Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:48 +0000 Early on a May morning, a young Nova Scotia woman straps on a small backpack and leaves the Halifax Common to start her journey along the coastal roads of Nova Scotia. Planning to cover almost a marathon a day, she will walk the perimeter of the entire province in just under three months to raise awareness for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Brigadoon Children's Camp Society. She billets with locals each night and meets countless Nova Scotians who come out to walk with her, support her project, and tell their stories.

Along the way, fellow walkers share family folklore, tales of buried gold, lost fingers, and detailed instructions on how to catch a beaver by the tail. "We don't wear make-up and we don't dust," explains one of the women Emily meets near Sable River, when asked how she found the time to rebuild the trails in her area and win the Community Spirit Award. Struggling with blisters, fatigue, and an encounter with a bear cub, Emily walks on, overwhelmed by the generosity of her hosts in each community and by the stunning coastal views at every turn. Around the Province in 88 Days details Emily's beautiful and quirky experiences on the road as she develops an intimate connection with the province and its people, unsuspecting of the vast changes the trip will eventually set in motion in her own life.

Emily Taylor Smith has walked the perimeters of Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, the coastlines of New Brunswick and the Gasp茅 Peninsula, and also completed a 100-kilometre walk from Halifax to Truro in nineteen hours. Born in Salisbury, New Brunswick, she moved to Nova Scotia to study theatre at Acadia University, and perform with the Atlantic Theatre Festival. She is the founder Local Tasting Tours, a culinary walking tour in Halifax. She currently lives in Dartmouth with her husband, their poodle Woody and Wilson the cat.

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The Smeltdog Man /store/the-smeltdog-man.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-smeltdog-man Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:25 +0000 /store/the-smeltdog-man "I brushed the crumbs off of the fish and back onto the counter, threw the smelts in the frying pan while I got the eggs out of the fridge and cracked one."

The Smeltdog Man is the story of how a Cape Bretoner marshalled his accidental invention, a marijuana-induced, munchie-inspired Smeltdog, into the most successful fast food franchise in Canada. As president of his newly formed Good Karma Corporation, he tells the tale of how his business empire grows beyond his control, turning him into a billionaire.

While the business booms and the narrator's wisdom is being constantly tapped for new ideas and strategies, he consults his Granddaddy Blue, whose pragmatic mixture of horse-trader economics and 1960s hippie ideals provide his grandson with the guiding principles and necessary scams he needs to survive in the corporate world.

From the simplicity of its origins to the ecological disaster of its success, The Smeltdog Man details the influences of country music on our narrator's understanding of himself, the longing of unrequited love and the accumulation of wealth possessing more zeros than our hero can count.

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Signs of Life /store/signs-of-life.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=signs-of-life Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:03 +0000 /store/signs-of-life Gerri Frager has spent much of her life working in the care of critically ill infants and children and integrating the arts into patient care and education. Poetry and pottery have each been a sanctuary during tough times as has noticing the everyday beauty found in nature. In Signs of Life: Images formed from Words and Clay, the author merges these passions to create a most unique and insightful book. Each poem is accompanied by an image of pottery created by Frager, one reflected in and mirroring the other. Signs of Life is a powerful exploration into matters of loss and love through poetry and pottery and the life experiences of a medical professional who has dedicated her life to healing and comforting those she works with.

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Acting Up /store/acting-up.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=acting-up Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:30:29 +0000 /store/acting-up.html/acting-up This is a book about life and this is a book about acting.

Exploring Shakespeare鈥檚 dictum, 鈥淎ll the world鈥檚 a stage and all the men and women merely players,鈥 Bill Carr proves it isn鈥檛 just dramatic hyperbole but true. During his life, Bill has tried to live authentically while being very conscious he was acting. We are all acting, he claims, and some are better actors than others.

The same skills that work on the stage also work in life. Each requires the same attention to detail and a co-ordination of the inner life with the outer manifestation of that life. So Bill decided to improve his use of theatre techniques to better manage his own life. Now he shares those discoveries with readers.

Through exercises in the Play Journal and relating (often hilariously) his own life lessons, Bill will help you take the performance of your life to the next level 鈥 whatever you conceive that to be. Acting Up is about self-creation, taking control of the creative energies in and around you to be who you want to be in any given moment on your life鈥檚 stage. It asks you to follow Socrates鈥 advice, 鈥淜now thyself,鈥 and challenges you to manifest that self in each moment. This is no easy task, but the alternative can be too costly.

The ideas here are gifts Bill received throughout his life from mystics, philosophers, seers, artists and seekers, who, like him, have experimented along the way, each offering bits and pieces that resulted in this book.聽Acting Up is part of an ongoing experiment in living. As you take part in the exercises, you join a company of artists dedicated to the adventure of self-discovery and, ultimately, self-expression. Perform your life as it was meant to be performed. It鈥檚 your show, so start acting up.聽

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The Frenchy’s Connection /store/the-frenchys-connection.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-frenchys-connection Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:27:20 +0000 /store/the-frenchys-connection.html/the-frenchys-connection With a wonderful dash of humour, the authors take us on a trip for fashion that doesn't cost the earth.

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The Little Book of Nova Scotia /store/the-little-book-of-nova-scotia.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-little-book-of-nova-scotia Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:15:24 +0000 /store/the-little-book-of-nova-scotia Journey through the incredible landscape of Nova Scotia with award-winning photojournalist Len Wagg. Experience all the colours of one of this scenic paprovince in this travel-friendly book. Features 85 photos with captions.

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